my twisted world of training – love to suffer

Friday, December 16, 2005

Training Log - 2005/12/15

Run - Marker [800 warm, 4xStrides, run 1 mi at 150 bpm for time, 800 cool]

I was finally able to do this track work out! It was actually pretty fun and I'm looking forward to my next one to see what type of change has come about. I've got run, bike and swim markers all this week. I'll do the same marker sets in a month or two to gauge progress, monitor for over-training, etc...

The key to this workout is the 1 mi @ 150 bpm for time. I was able to keep my hr at about 149-153 hovering mostly on 150. I did the mile in 8:30 exactly. I don't know if that is good or bad... It just is. Really it's not to test for how fast I am, but to mark progress over time.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Training Log - 2005/12/14

I missed this swim... First I went to the Kihei Aquatic Center... They were closed because of a state swim meet, so I drove to Wailuku War Memorial Pool... It was past 4:30 so they were closed too! Oh well, it just goes to show that even with careful planning you can't always get your training in.

The wise triathlete would probably say that I should just skip that work out and count it as a rest day... I'm compelled to try to fit it in today instead. We'll see.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Training Log - 2005/12/13

Bike - 90’ [Z2 30’ 80 rpm, 30’ 90 rpm, 20’ 100 rpm, 10’ cool down]

Felt great! Got the hang of keeping a consistent RPM. I'm sure this type of cadence training will pay off huge. I found that keeping the high cadence seated on small climbs I was able to keep a higher pace and lower effort than standing and "spinning".

Training Log - 2005/12/12

Swim - 2250 [4x75 (fist, swim, fist), 4x75 (build by 25) on 1:30, 3x(3x100 descend on 1:50, then a 200 on 4:00), 16x25 :40 (odds are fast, evens are easy)]

I felt pretty good... got a bit tired during the last couple of 3x100 drills.